Credit Investor Presentation 2020/21 slide image

Credit Investor Presentation 2020/21

700 £300m additional totex investment in sustainable performance Net regulatory capex (£m) 600 500 400 300 200 100 2020/21 2021/22 Base capex 2022/23 Additional capex 2023/24 2024/25 FD capex profile 1. The light blue blocks on the chart amount to c£220m representing the capex elements of the £300m additional totex across the AMP with the remaining c£80m relating to opex and IRE. 2. £300m additional totex remunerated through c£90m uplift to PR19 allowance, c£105m increasing RCV or AMP8 revenues through totex sharing mechanism and balance from expected customer ODI rewards. In addition, further potential tax benefits are expected from enhanced capital allowances. 3. AMP7 net regulatory capex excludes IRE 4. The AMP7 net regulatory capex profile shown on the chart does not constitute a forecast and is subject to change United Utilities • Credit Investor presentation • 70
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