Investor Presentaiton slide image

Investor Presentaiton

CATA CA Demolition cost THE INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS OF SRI LANKA Example • A Ltd purchased a land with a building that is unusable for total consideration of Rs 200 million. The building is demolished after purchase and a new building will be constructed instead. . The total cost paid to a 3rd party to demolish - Rs 10 million. . • Both the land and the new building meet the definition of IP and A Ltd uses the cost model under LKAS 40. It is determined that any other market participant acquiring the land would demolish the current building ■ Building does not meet the definition of an asset (no economic benefits) The economic rationale behind the purchase was to acquire land rather than land and building ■ All consideration paid (Rs 200 million) should be allocated to the land ■ Demolishing cost - site preparation cost and would be capitalised CAT CA Disclosure THE INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS OF SRI LANKA Extensive disclosure requirements (in additional to IAS 1, for leased properties) FV model - disclosure requirements of SLFRS 13 and LKAS 40 • - Cost model fair value disclosure, 39 40
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