World Bank Country Survey 2013
Affiliated with Gallup International
World Leaders in Marketing Research
World Bank Country Survey 2013
4.2 Access to World Bank: International and Country Websites are the main delivery mechanism
for online access
When quizzed about their preferences for accessing information about the World Bank online, the majority
of the stakeholders (47%) and clients (48%) utilize the Bank's country website. The World Bank's main
website was the second most frequently accessed online portal.
4.2 Access to World Bank: Clients Access World Bank's websites, while stakeholders are divided
When quizzed about their preferences for accessing information about the World Bank online, the majority.
of the clients (48%) utilize the Bank's country and main website. While 45% of the stakeholders access
the country website, a substantial 51% do not access the Bank's online portals.
4.3 Views about World Bank Website: Satisfied Clients and Fragmented Stakeholders
When asked to share their experience of accessing and using the World Bank website, and other
informational interactions, clients and stakeholders differed markedly in their responses. While the clients
and stakeholders concurred with the positive assessment of the navigability, usefulness, and
responsiveness of the website, stakeholders remain unsure about general informational experiences with
the Bank.
4.4 Preferred Way to Access World Bank: Online Engagement Preferred
Both stakeholders and clients expressed a preference for online engagement. 42% of the stakeholders
and 43% of the clients would prefer engaging with the Bank through this medium. A strong 42% of the
clients also prefer direct contact with the Bank.
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