3Q20 Earnings Call Presentation slide image

3Q20 Earnings Call Presentation

Retail Mall Portfolio in Asia Trailing Twelve Months Retail Mall Revenue ($ in US millions) $800 $712 $696 $700 $657 $600 $182 $185 $184 $533¹ TTM 3Q20 Sales per Sq. Foot² $500 $52 $53 $4411 $70 $47 $145 MBS $72 $400 $63 $1,225 $37 $127 Parisian Macao $142 $151 $54 $407 $300 $137 $30 $44 SCC $115 $476 $200 $96 Four Seasons Luxury: $3,665 $248 $253 $226 Other: $1,354 $100 $182 $144 Venetian $935 90 $0 3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 Operating $618M $634M $578M $462M $377M Profit Operating Profit 89% 89% 88% 87% 85% Margin The Venetian Macao Four Seasons Macao The Parisian Macao Marina Bay Sands Sands Cotai Central³ 1. Results include $59 million, $111 million and $76 million of rent concessions provided to tenants in 1Q20, 2Q20 and 3Q20, respectively. 2. Tenant sales per square foot is the sum of reported comparable sales for the trailing 12 months divided by the comparable square footage for the same period. Only tenants that have occupied mall space for a minimum of 12 months are included in the tenant sales per square foot calculation. 3. At September 30, 2020, approximately 450,000 square feet of gross leasable area was occupied out of a total of up to approximately 600,000 square feet of retail mall space that will be featured at completion of all phases of Sands Cotai Central's renovation, rebranding and expansion to The Londoner Macao. Sands 23
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