Investor Presentaiton
18 Cargill 2020 Annual Report
GRI 102-11
Material topic:
Risk management and
financial instruments
We work in line with the company's global risk committee.
The main factors we are exposed to reflect strategic-oper-
ational and economic-financial aspects. The strategic-op-
erational risks are defined by our management model. Risk
management and administration of financial instruments
are the object of policies, definition of strategies and control
We rely on financial instruments to protect ourselves from
exposure to the effects of exchange rate variations on com-
mitments indexed to foreign currency, interest rates and
reduce the risks of price volatility of agricultural commodities
in the international market. The management of these instru-
ments is done by means of operational strategies, focusing
on liquidity, profitability and security.
Climate change risks
Climate changes, with the exacerbation of events it causes,
such as storms, extended droughts, water crises and
unusual hot or cold weather, impose direct and indirect risks
to farm production, to the income of farmers and to food
safety. This can result in crop failure, soil erosion, herd loss,
seed contamination and a series of other impacts.
According to the directives established by the global risks
committee, we work to reduce emissions that cause climate
imbalance, both in our operations (scope 1 and 2) as well as
in the supply chain (scope 3). As part of our efforts to fight
climate change and mitigate risks, we are developing solu-
tions for our operations and our clients and suppliers (see
more information on page 22).
We invest in renewable energy to replace technologies with
high emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) and encourage
producers to adopt measures that reduce, for example,
emissions in the meat chain, in fertilizer use and during
transportation. We also act for norms and legislation to
make sustainable agricultural practices economically feasi-
ble for farmers.
With this, we want to assist our clients, who want to reduce
emissions in the supply chain, and the clients of our clients,
who seek food produced in a sustainable manner.
Natural resource management
and resilient food system
The priority pillars for Cargill are to
operate to feed the world in a safe,
responsible and sustainable fashion
and be a trustworthy partner for food,
agriculture, financial and industrial
services clients. The impacts that in
some form preclude these principles
are considered as risks that threaten
our businesses.
Our operation in Brazil works in
alignment with the company's
global risks committeeView entire presentation