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Investor Presentaiton

Securitized Products Exposure 1. Summary 2. How to Increase Corporate Value 3. Appendix 4. Financial Data As of March 31, 2023 and September 30, 2023, the Bank held the following securitized products. The Bank's holdings of securitized products were limited to securitization exposure as final investor. The Bank has never originated any securitized products and thus has no exposure as an originator and no exposure to special purpose entities (SPEs) that should be consolidated. (Millions of yen) As of March 31, 2023 As of September 30, 2023 Acquisition cost Net unrealized gains (losses) Credit Acquisition Net unrealized ratings cost gains (losses) Credit ratings Domestic Residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) 1,274,002 (11,695) AAA 1,251,916 (34,117) AAA Held-to-maturity 350,366 (10,365) AAA 366,969 (18,422) AAA Available-for-sale 923,635 (1,330) AAA 884,947 (15,695) AAA Collateralized loan obligations (CLO) Other securitized products 288,156 (111) AAA 260,139 (397) AAA Commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) Collateralized debt obligations (CDO) Domestic subtotal 561 11 AAA 532 9 AAA 1,562,720 (11,795) 1,512,588 (34,505) Overseas Residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) 27,906 3,161 AAA 24,093 4,658 AAA Collateralized loan obligations (CLO) 2,326,005 293,625 AAA 2,568,627 652,194 AAA Held-to-maturity 1,408,606 106,062 AAA 1,660,045 319,197 AAA Available-for-sale 917,398 187,563 AAA 908,581 332,996 AAA Overseas subtotal Total (domestic + overseas) 2,353,911 296,787 2,592,721 656,853 3,916,631 284,991 4,105,309 622,347 Notes: 1. The figures in the above table are reference value calculated not on financial accounting basis but on management accounting basis. 2. The underlying assets provided are only those from multiple debtors comprising securitized products. 3. The above table does not include securitized products that might be included in investment trusts. 4. Net unrealized gains (losses) do not reflect the effect of foreign exchange hedging. No hedging activities against credit risks were made. 5. Other securitized products are securitized products of which underlying assets are mainly auto loan claims. 6. "Overseas" does not include U.S. government sponsored enterprises, etc. (GSES) related products. 7. The overseas collateralized loan obligations (CLO) are only those in the United States and Europe. Net unrealized gains (losses) on the overseas CLO including foreign exchange hedging were as follows. Held-to-maturity securities (fair value hedge accounting was not applicable): JPY (8,705) million as of September 30, 2023, compared with JPY (23,642) million as of March 31, 2023. Available-for-sale securities (fair value hedge accounting was applicable): JPY (3,550) million as of September 30, 2023, compared with JPY (17,158) million as of March 31, 2023. JP JAPAN POST BANK BANK Copyright© JAPAN POST BANK All Rights Reserved. 70 70
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