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Investor Presentaiton

acre AFRICA The Product; Bima Pima BIMA PIMA KINGA YA UKAME Lipa Ksh.50 scatch here >> Get protection of upto Ksh.500 BIMA PIMA IN DETAIL The Bima Pima, Kinga ya Mkulima protects you from losses by refunding you up to Ksh 500 in case of insufficient, excess or poorly timed rainfall throughout the season. The refund will be made through the M-Pesa number you used to register/activate the Bima Pima card. For more information call us on the number provided below. Call 0790 499 599 for assistance acre AFRICA UAP Safaricom Twaweza To activate the product, farmers will dial a USSD code integrated with Mpesa to enable remittance of the initial ksh50. Farmers will then be triggered to top up via SMS to top up whatever amount they can afford. From our pilot over 50% of farmers who paid the initial ksh50 topped and the average amount of insurance bought was ksh200 securing ksh2000. We have managed to insure 4000 farmers during the pilot phase. acre AFRICA
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