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Investor Presentaiton

Quarterly Performance Highlights - Pigment Business Domestic Revenue Cr 273 203 120 Mix % 35% 51% 45% Q1FY21 Specialty Revenue Cr 240 Q4FY21 Q1FY22 +68% Export Revenue Cr 221 260 250 +13% 65% 49% 55% Q1FY21 Non-Specialty Revenue Cr 363 318 +32% 101 Mix % 70% 68% 70% Q1FY21 Q4FY21 Q1FY22 Q4FY21 Q1FY22 170 135 +33% 30% 32% 30% Q1FY22 Q4FY21 Q1FY22 ➤ The second wave of the pandemic did impact domestic business due to the lockdowns imposed by states at various intervals starting from the month of April and continued restrictions through the quarter Revenue includes Revenue from Operations and Other operating income of Pigment business 13 SUDARSHAN
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