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Investor Presentaiton

OFFICE PROPERTIES INCOME TRUST OPI BENEFITS FROM ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH RMR Provides OPI with scale and efficiencies. • OPI has no employees; RMR provides all the employees. • RMR's acquisitions team sees a substantial number of properties marketed for sale in every market across the United States. • RMR can attract very strong real estate professionals (acquisitions, asset management, property management, finance, accounting, etc.) because of the size of the portfolios for which they will be responsible. • RMR provides job growth opportunities for employees which is a benefit when hiring in a tight job market. • RMR property management employees focus only on assets managed • by RMR, with no conflicting responsibilities for other owners. OPI benefits from the scale of a $32.8 billion platform. Examples: O Centralized procurement. О Centralized services. О Banking and capital markets. OPI's G&A as a percent of total assets compares favorably to its peer group: (1) 1.0% 0.91% 0.80% 0.84% 0.87% 0.8% 0.70% 0.59% 0.61% 0.55% 0.6% 0.4% 0.2% 0.0% OFC OPI FSP HIW CXP PDM DEA CIO (1) Source: Company filings. Data is for the twelve months ended September 30, 2019. GSA leasing presents a high barrier to entry for many investors. For OPI, it is an opportunity. OPI's and RMR's highly qualified team has more than 20 years of experience - We believe that we understand GSA leasing as well or better than anyone out there. Our deep relationships with GSA, tenant agencies and the brokerage community (capital markets and leasing) drive value for our shareholders, with: Better visibility and understanding of agency needs, funding and long term plans, which allows us to acquire properties with knowledge of a high probability of renewal. 。 Significant knowledge and experience with the GSA's process. RMR employees serve alongside the GSA on strategic committees focused on improving the Lessor/Lessee relationship and leasing process. Representatives of RMR have a seat at the table to promote a mutually beneficial environment. RMR's development platform can drive value for GSA growth and retention. We have the ability to provide strategic solutions for agencies that need more space or a new building. 11
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