Investor Presentaiton
Budget Stabilization Fund
In fiscal years where ETF appropriations are equal to the fiscal year
appropriation cap:
A portion of any revenues deposited into the ETF in excess of the fiscal
year appropriation cap are transferred to the Budget Stabilization Fund
Up to 1% of the previous year's ETF appropriations ($71,603,334 remaining
at the end of FY 2020 and transferred at the beginning of FY 2021) until
the fund reaches 7.5% of the previous year's ETF appropriations
In addition to the above transfer, a transfer of $75,000,000 was made in
FY 2021 per Act 2021-391
Amounts in the Budget Stabilization Fund may be withdrawn only to prevent
proration in the ETF (Act 2018-544 also allowed temporary transfers for
damages from natural disasters)
■ Total cash/invested balance in BSF (as of October 1, 2021): $448.4 million
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