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Investor Presentaiton

Profit and Loss Account € million Turnover H1 2023 947.6 H1 2022 899.7 A in % 4 + 5.3% Raw materials and - 482.4 - 477.0 subcontracted work Added value 465.2 49.1% 422.7 47.0% + 10.1% 5 Operating expenses 345.4 36.5% 307.1 34.1% + 12.5% EBITA ¹) 119.8 12.6% 115.6 12.8% + 3.6% One-off income 1.1 9.3 Amortization -26.9 -27.1 Impairments -0.6 -0.0 Operating result 93.3 97.8 4 Result associates 36.2 2.1 5 Other financial result - 9.5 - 5.7 Result before taxes 120.0 94.2 6 Taxes 21.5 24.2 Net profit 98.4 10.4% 70.0 7.8% + 40.6% Adjusted net profit 2) 67.7 7.1% 70.5 7.8% - 4.0% 1) before one-off income and expenses 37 2) before amortization of PPAs and one-off income and expenses attributable to shareholders Divestment of the remaining stake in CCG resulted in a profit of € 36.2 million in Q1 2023 Increase net interest expenses with € 5.5 million due to higher interest rates and outstanding debt Offset by lower foreign exchange losses Normalized effective tax rate decreased to 25.7% (H1 2022: 26.3 %) Relatively higher profits at companies benefitting from R&D tax facilities TH SMART TECHNOLOGIES <
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