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Investor Presentaiton

1H15 result overview Group 1H15 1H14 PCP AUDM AUDM % / bps Net interest income Other operating income Operating income Expenses 7,138 6,764 6% 3,047 2,904 5% 10,185 9,668 5% (4,593) (4,286) 7% PBP 5,592 5,382 4% Impairment charge (510) (528) (3%) Tax and non-controlling interests (1,406) (1,339) 5% Cash Profit 3,676 3,515 5% Stat. adjustments¹ (170) (123) 38% Statutory Profit 3,506 3,392 3% Net interest margin 2.04% 2.15% (11 bps) Net interest margin (ex Markets) 2.51% 2.55% (4 bps) Cost to income ratio 45.1% 44.3% 80 bps Impairment charge % avg GLA 0.19% 0.21% (2 bps) Return on equity 14.7% 15.5% (80 bps) Gross loans and advances 562,231 513,563 Customer deposits 436,147 388,022 APRA Basel III CET1 ratio Internationally Comparable Basel III CET1 ratio² 8.7% 12.4% 8.3% 9% 12% 40 bps 12.2% 20 bps All figures are presented on Cash basis in Australian Dollars unless otherwise noted. 1. In arriving at Cash Profit, Statutory Profit has been adjusted to exclude non-core items, further information is set out on page 86 of the 2015 Half Year Consolidated Financial Report. 2. Internationally Comparable methodology per Australian Bankers' Association: International comparability of capital ratios of Australia's major banks (August 2014). ANZ 19
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