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Investor Presentation

ALDAGI Consolidated Balance Sheet | Assets GEL '000 BALANCE SHEET Consolidated Balance Sheet | Liabilities & Equity GEL '000 30-Sep-13 (Unaudited) 30-Sep-12 (Unaudited) Change Y-O-Y 30-Sep-13 (Unaudited) 30-Sep-12 Change (Unaudited) Y-o-Y Cash and cash equivalents 9,201 6,627 38.8% Insurance contracts 98,068 107,096 -8.4% Amounts due from credit institutions 18,076 39,828 -54.6% Reinsurance premium payable 10,027 11,321 -11.4% Investment securities 172 812 -78.8% Pension benefit obligations 9,289 7,858 18.2% Insurance premiums receivable, net 80,631 85,945 -6.2% Borrowed funds 97,976 106,711 -8.2% Reinsurance contracts, net 8,774 10,086 -13.0% Salaries and other employee benefits payable 10,631 9,047 17.5% Loans and other receivables, net 31,748 18,586 70.8% Current income tax liabilities 3,405 103 3205.8% Property and equipment, net 174,322 137,867 26.4% Deferred income tax liabilities 1,090 3,178 -65.7% Intangible assets, net 1,464 471 210.8% Accruals and other liabilities 10,150 12,564 -19.2% Total liabilities 240,636 257,878 -6.7% Goodwill 17,021 16,963 0.3% Investments in non-consolidated subsidiaries 0.0% Current income tax assets 280 663 -57.8% Share capital - ordinary shares 15,286 15,286 0.0% Share premium / (deficit) 35,021 35,021 0.0% Deferred income tax assets 1,212 702 72.6% Revaluation and other reserves 661 661 0.0% Deferred aqcuisition costs 1,446 3,750 -61.4% Retained earnings 21,658 8,587 152.2% Prepayments and other assets 7,808 19,552 -60.1% Net profit for the period 15,099 7,592 98.9% Total assets 352,155 341,852 3.0% Shareholders equity excluding minority 87,725 67,147 30.6% interest Non-controlling interests 23,794 16,827 41.4% Total shareholders equity 111,519 83,974 32.8% Total liabilities and shareholders equity 352,155 341,852 3.0% 24 24
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