JSC Atomenergoprom Annual Report
21-22 M
Key results in 2022*:
The 10-year portfolio of overseas orders totalled USD 135.9 billion.
The portfolio of overseas orders covering the entire life cycle totalled USD 200.8 billion.
Revenue from overseas orders reached USD 11.76 billion (USD 8.9 billion in 2021).
Projects were underway in more than 50 countries worldwide.
*Including the portfolio and revenue of ROSATOM.
GRI 2-6 Promoting JSC Atomenergoprom's technologies
on foreign markets
GRI 3-3 JSC Atomenergoprom (including ROSATOM's portfolio) is actively promoting Russian nuclear technologies
for energy and non-energy applications both in countries that are beginning to develop nuclear power
and in countries with a well-developed national nuclear power industry (including based on Russian
In addition, JSC Atomenergoprom (including ROSATOM's portfolio) provides support throughout the life
cycle of nuclear facilities (including both energy and non-energy facilities) by supplying the global market
with the full range of products and services in the front-end and back-end stages of the nuclear fuel
cycle (NFC), as well as providing services related to the maintenance and modernisation of such facilities.
In 2022, JSC Atomenergoprom confirmed its status as a leader on the nuclear fuel cycle product market.
JSC Atomenergoprom takes systematic steps to promote small nuclear power plants; given height-
ened interest from customers in the energy market, this is a crucial focus area for the Company.
JSC Atomenergoprom's capabilities and the successful implementation of the project to build the Akade-
mik Lomonosov floating thermal nuclear power plant (FTNPP), which simultaneously supplies both heat
and power to the town of Pevek in Chukotka, enable the Company to engage in a meaningful dialogue
with overseas partners. For instance, in November, documents were signed on a joint pre-feasibility study
for small NPP construction projects in Myanmar and Kyrgyzstan.
GRI 2-28 JSC Atomenergoprom attaches special importance to cooperation with foreign organisations (non-
profit organisations, including associations, initiatives, councils, etc.). In 2022, the Company (including
ROSATOM's portfolio) had business relationships with more than 30 foreign organisations in 16 countries
worldwide. The World Nuclear Association (WNA) remains a key partner of the Company. Representatives
of the Company and its organisations took part in the key WNA events, as well as its working groups and
research initiatives.
NPP construction abroad
At year-end 2022, ROSATOM's portfolio of overseas NPP construction projects (including JSC Atomenergo-
prom's portfolio) included 34 power units in 11 countries worldwide, with 23 power units in eight countries
at the construction stage (including the largest overseas nuclear construction project: Akkuyu NPP in Tur-
key; the project is being implemented by JSC Rusatom Energy International, an organisation managed by
JSC Atomenergoprom).
All overseas NPP construction projects are on track; the only exception is the Hanhikivi 1 NPP project in
Finland, which has been unilaterally terminated by the Finnish customer for political reasons. No other
overseas construction project has been suspended.
Russian-design nuclear reactors that are currently under construction fully meet international safety
NPP servicing abroad
JSC Atomenergoprom provides maintenance services for 48 Russian-design power units abroad that are
currently in operation or at the design/construction stage. Its product portfolio targeted at international
markets includes a wide range of work and services covering the entire NPP life cycle.
In the reporting year, the Company provided support for scheduled preventive maintenance at Kudankulam
NPP (India), Tianwan NPP (China), Kozloduy NPP (Bulgaria) and the Armenian NPP. It also successfully
carried out the first scheduled repairs at power unit No. 1 of the Belarusian NPP.
Over 940 members of operating and maintenance personnel at foreign NPPs underwent training as part of
long-term and short-term training programmes in 2022, including at Rooppur NPP (Bangladesh), Akkuyu
NPP (Turkey), El Dabaa NPP (Egypt) and Paks II NPP (Hungary).
The Company provided assistance to foreign customers in building and improving nuclear infrastructure in
Egypt, Bolivia, Bangladesh and Namibia.
Reactor control systems were upgraded at power unit No. 6 of Kozloduy NPP (Bulgaria), and the relevant
equipment was put into operation.
A long-term contract was signed for the supply of spare parts and equipment for the reactor coolant pump
to Tianwan NPP (China).
Full-scale and analytical simulators for the training centres at Akkuyu NPP (Turkey) and Rooppur NPP
(Bangladesh) were delivered and put into operation.
Export of uranium products and natural
uranium enrichment services
JSC TENEX is the Company's main organisation promoting uranium conversion and enrichment services on
the global market and supplying enriched uranium for power and research reactors. In 2022, JSC TENEX
remained one of the world's leading suppliers of nuclear fuel cycle front-end products.
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