World Bank Country Survey 2013 slide image

World Bank Country Survey 2013

GALLUP PAKISTAN Affiliated with Gallup International Consultancy World Leaders in Marketing Research World Bank Country Survey 2013 SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis WORLD BANK (emerging thematic hypothesis which would be fine tuned before presentation) Strengths: 1. DOUBTS ABOUT WB DIMINISH AS STAKEHOLDERS BECOME CLIENTS. IT IS GOOD NEWS THAT IMAGE IMPROVES AFTER EXPERIENCING THE 'PRODUCT'. 2. EVEN AMONG THE DOUBTERS WB IS SEEN AS THE BEST AMONG THE GROUP IN ITS CATEGORY. Weaknesses: 1. 2. Clients are uncertain and apprehensive about whether WB services are 'good value for money'. Both Stakeholders and clients have divided views about the effectiveness of WB and its Programs. G Page 5
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