Pension Reform and Transition Costs
North Dakota Interim Retirement Committee
Plan Design Discussions
May 23, 2022
Milliman said they would present on Michigan and West Virginia for background on DB to DC
Important that Milliman also looks at Oklahoma, which has a fully funded pension after their transition.
While Michigan has had a long history of DC design improvement in their Public Employees plan, we built
the Michigan Teacher choice-DC plan which is an exemplary model.
West Virginia suffered from a poor DC plan design along with a failure of policymakers to properly fund the
legacy pension-both were avoidable through better design.
Committee asked to look at opening loan and hardship provision in current DC and 457 plans.
Just as you can't borrow against a pension, one should not be able to borrow against an account in a DC
retirement plan intended to serve as a primary retirement vehicle.
"No borrowing against DC account balances" is a best practice in our policy paper: Best Practices in the
Design and Utilization of Public Sector Defined Contribution Plans.
Cash Balance
Milliman stated that a CB has the same sort of contribution volatility as a DB plan, but our
actuarial modeling for the Texas' Employees Retirement System swap to a CB last year
suggests less volatility.
Milliman also stated that the surge in private sector CB plans was a way to "mask a benefit
reduction for employees because they can't compare apples to oranges like actuaries can."
Benefit levels and generosity are entirely policy decisions of the legislature, and not a function of the
plan type.
As you saw from the retention charts, having a more portable option like a CB, DC, or hybrid would benefit a
larger number of employees.View entire presentation