Investor Presentaiton
Sustainability report 2019-2020 Mexico | 18
Local Projects
We advise the following associations on various legal aspects
(trademark registration, copyright, review of employment
contracts, among others):
Proyecto VIVE: Promotes social projects of women who are
in cases of extreme vulnerability. Its purpose is to generate an
income by marketing products or services.
Instituto de Liderazgo Simone de Beauvoir: A feminist
training center to work for gender equality, through
different mechanisms
Pro Mujer Inc: Tends to women in vulnerable situations.
We implemented programs and initiatives that allow us to build
safe and respectful workplaces that favor professional development,
as well as the well-being of our people. During this year, our
national context, derived from the sanitary crisis due to COVID-19,
made it relevant to strengthen the infrastructure that would
allow us to continue operating remotely, to take care of our
collaborators, to comply with official regulations, and to advise
our clients.
The programs established some years ago and the Firm's culture
of flexibility, offered the opportunity to work remotely during
quarantine. This way of working allowed us to guarantee an
uninterrupted quality service to our clients.
"This period was very enriching with the
implementation of NOM-035 initiative because,
although we already did much of what is stipulated,
it helped us to strengthen well-being and professional
development programs for the benefit of our people
and the Firm, mainly in challenging moments like the
ones we are facing. It was also very gratifying to
realize in the initial survey, that the programs
implemented in the past, such as bAgile, Family Leave,
the Mentoring Program, the Ethics Committee etc.,
are related to the level of satisfaction and engagement
of our people with respect to the work environment
and work-life balance. This fills us with enthusiasm
and motivation to continue with our commitment
to have a better workplace every day for each
of the members of the Firm."
Gabriela Gómez,
HR Director
a. Data to emphasize on the composition of our work team
Among the metrics generated during this period, we can highlight
the following numbers:
Of the total new hires to the Firm, 64% were women and
36% were men.
In terms of career development, the total number of people
promoted was 54% women and 46% men
Additionally, during the period covered by this Report, 84% of
our collaborators received an increase in their compensation.
Some of the initiatives and programs we implemented during
this period were:
b. Diversity and Inclusion, New Perspectives Event
In February 2020, we organized the Diversity and Inclusion,
New Perspectives event as part of our commitment to
diversity and inclusion. More than 100 people participated
and the Firm's clients, as well as other stakeholders, attended.
This time together allowed us to address the issue of new
trends, related to diversity and inclusion, with a cross-cutting
and strategic approach to business; thus, this initiative added
to the positive effect we seek to generate within our
community and talent.View entire presentation