Orizon Sustainability and ESG Initiatives slide image

Orizon Sustainability and ESG Initiatives

ORIZON GRI Standards Contents GRI 406: Non- discrimination 2016 = ||| ABOUT US NATURAL CAPITAL GOVERNANCE HUMAN CAPITAL SOCIAL PLATFORM PERFORMANCE GRI SUMMARY < 66 > Location 406-1 Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken None. GRI 408: Child Labor 2016 408-1 Operations and suppliers considered to have significant risk for incidents of child labor N.A. The suppliers agreements include a specific clause stating that the company does not condone child labor or forced labor, nor forced or compulsory labor, and should there be any sign of such activity, this will be reason for termination of the contract. Together with the agreement, the supplier is also sent annexes that address the topic of child labor, such being: The Supplier's Code of Conduct and Terms of Commitment to Social Responsibility. GRI 409: Forced or Compulsory Labor 2016 409-1 Operations and suppliers considered to have significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor Biodiversity and Ecosystems GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 3-3 Governance of material topics 333 SDGs 00 5 8 5 8 00 5 8 16
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