Port Procedures and Financial Growth
Executive summary
On the path to a balanced fiscal budget
Primary fiscal deficit has been coming down consistently through a decline in spending in
real terms, on its way to reach a primary fiscal balance in 2019.
О Fiscal consolidation at the central administration level has not been achieved at the expense
of Provincial finances. On the contrary, the consolidated fiscal position of the provinces is in
a surplus.
Relative price distortions are being fixed
Subsidy reductions, particularly in the energy sector, have reduced distortions in relative
prices, generating the appropriate incentives for industrial and export development.
In contrast with 2018, the foreign sector accumulates nine consecutive months of trade
surplus, contributing to a sharp reduction in the current account deficit for 2019.
Boosting competitiveness on a systemic basis
о Modernization of the domestic capital markets regulatory framework is contributing
towards generating an environment that will increase the channeling of domestic savings.
Government capital spending, particularly in the area of transportation, has been
strategically geared towards increasing Argentina's productivity and competitiveness.
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