The Palestinian Strategy for Energy Independence
The Palestinian strategy for energy independence 2017-2022
Improve the national power production and better exploit national recourses
Increase renewable energy recourses reducing environmental impact
➤ Improve energy efficiency through increasing awareness and reducing losses
Increasing Energy security through diversification of import resources
Continuous institution reforming
4 new 161/33 kV
Jenin "Completed"
Nablus "Completed"
220Kv line
Hebron "completed"
400Kv line
Palestinian Energy &
Natural Resources Authority
4 new substations (161/33 Kv) already under completion + additional 2
Upgrade Jordan supply by a new 400Kv line (150 Mwatt)
Upgrade Egypt supply by a new 220Kv line (150 Mwatt)
Upgrade Gaza power station to 420 Mwatt
New Power Station in Jenin 450 Mwatt
Upgrade Middle voltage gridView entire presentation