TPG Financial Performance and Growth Strategies slide image

TPG Financial Performance and Growth Strategies

Unaudited Pro Forma Non-GAAP Balance Sheet Bridge ($M) Total GAAP Assets Impact of consolidated TPG Funds and Public SPACS Impact of other consolidated entities Impact of reclassification adjusments¹ Total Book Assets Total GAAP Liabilities Impact of consolidated TPG Funds and Public SPACS Impact of other consolidated entities Impact of reclassification adjusments¹ Total Book Liabilities Total GAAP Redeemable equity from consolidated Public SPACS Impact of consolidated TPG Funds and Public SPACS² Total Book Redeemable equity from consolidated Public SPACS Total GAAP Equity Impact of consolidated TPG Funds and Public SPACS Impact of other consolidated entities 1 Reclassification adjusments Net Book Value 1Q'22 $9,664 (1,011) (6,051) 11 $2,614 $5,239 (48) (4,702) 14 $503 $1,000 (1,000) $0 $3,425 37 (1,349) (3) $2,110 TPG Note: Figures above may not sum due to rounding. 1. Certain amounts were reclassified to reflect how we utilize our non-GAAP balance sheet measures. We separately analyze our investments on a non-GAAP basis between accrued performance fees and other investments, which consists of co-investments into our funds and other equity method investments. Additionally, we reclassified GAAP financial statement amounts due from affiliates and certain amounts within other assets, net for non-GAAP purposes and reclassified GAAP financial statement amounts due to affiliates and other liabilities within accounts payable, accrued expenses and other for non-GAAP purposes. 2. The $1,000 million redeemable equity represents ownership interest in each SPAC that is not owned by the TPG Operating Group and is presented separately form GAAP partners' capital in the accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements. 38
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