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Investor Presentaiton

SBERBANK 170 YEARS. BY YOUR SIDE ANNUAL REPORT BANK DEVELOPMENT 2011 Λ management report 58 posit products helps serve customers faster and cut costs when preparing deposit documents. As part of a project known as Single MDM System Customer Pro- file, the Bank implemented a customer data cleansing and stan- dardisation solution. The solution helps significantly improve the quality of customer information across automated systems and enhance the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. - We completed the creation of Sberbank Technologies, a subsidiary responsible for IT within the Bank. The goal behind transforming the IT function into a standalone company is achieving a radi- cal improvement in the speed and effectiveness of projects and to benefit from in-house expertise in key platforms and technolo- gies. We developed and approved consistent IT architecture standards for all subsidiary banks and companies as part of efforts to inte- grate subsidiary businesses. These standards will ensure closer integration of banks and companies within the Bank and help reduce automation costs thanks to a consistent licensing policy and standards for circulating solutions and sharing knowledge. At a conference held in celebration of our 170th anniversary, we launched our crowdsourcing project. Through this project, we plan to seek out the best ideas and suggestions for product and service developments by involving as wide an audience as pos- sible. In April 2011, Sberbank was awarded the national IT Leader Award as the best state-owned bank. The award has been held annually since 2002. The committee includes the Russian Association of Managers, CROC and the Itogy, Intelligent Enterprise and CIO magazines. 1900s In 1902 savings banks employed women for the first time. By 1917, woman in the savings institutions ceased to be an extraordinary phenomenon. Today, women constitute the majority of the Savings Bank employees 1910 Postal savings book. 1911 By 1914 the savings institutions network consisted of more than a thousand central banks with a few more branches (in the institutions of the State Bank, Treasury, Department of Railways), almost 6,000 postal and telegraph offices, more than 100 factory and plant and more than 150 rural municipality banks 1910s Interest bearing securities pay books. 1916 The First World War required huge material costs. The government was forced to abandon the free exchange of paper money for gold. But that didn't shatter the ordinary people's confidence in paper money. As the result it helped not only to contain inflation, but also to promote the growth of consumers' deposits 1910s Postcard. 1914 Military expenditures were covered by internal loans, due to which the government received the necessary funds and at the same time reduces the negative impact of issuing paper money. During this critical period savings banks worthily fulfill the task of preserving financial stability and funding the military government spending 1920s Propaganda film demonstration. in the reading house. The 1920s In order to attract depositors the movie "A Wonderful Book" was created. The film company "Red Star" produced for State Labour Savings Bank 40 cartoons. In rural reading houses slides were shown with "magic lanterns", accompanied by reading the text on the savings business 1920s Savings money box. 1924 In 1924 savings money boxes entered into the daily life. They were sold by savings banks, which left the keys in their possession. To count the coins the box holder went to the savings bank or invited the savings bank officer to his home. The money collected in the box was entered on the savings book 170 YEARS. IT'S JUST THE BEGINNING WWW.SBERBANK.RU Λ 59 management report
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