Economic Transformation Strategy
Economic transformation
Economic transformation is paramount in securing jobs, financial inclusion, poverty reduction and in boosting shared
prosperity in accordance with our sustainable development goals. The nation will enhance the creation of gainful em-
ployment opportunities, in order to increase productivity and empower our labour force.
Innovative economy
Science, technology and innovation (STI) are important drivers of economic development. The ability to create, dis-
tribute and exploit knowledge has become a major source of competitive advantage, wealth creation and improve-
ments in the quality of life. Some of the main features of this transformation are the growing impact of information and
communications technologies (ICT) along with the rapid application of recent scientific advances in new products and
processes. It is clear that science, technology and innovation are key to improving economic performance and social
well-being. Seychelles is no exception to this global reality. STI will have to be further harnessed and adopted to meet
national development needs, as Seychelles endeavours to become more engaged with the wider world.
Environmental sustainability & resilience
The Environmental sustainability & resilience pillar seeks to protect our natural environment, human and ecological
health, while driving innovation and enhancing our quality of life. In this regard, Seychelles has long been a champi-
on. However, it must be ensured that we stay the course, ensuring conservation, preservation and protection of our
natural environment, while also seeking to further our development agenda. Increasing our energy and food security
is also paramount to maintaining our resilience as we are currently almost entirely reliant on imported fossil fuels for
electricity and imported food to feed our nation.
The results framework for the six pillars will be presented in the annex.
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