2022 State Budget and Fiscal Incentives Presentation
Progress of NCSA Programs
Family Hope Program
(Program Keluarga Harapan -
The Family Hope Program (PKH) is a program
that provides cash to very poor households.
IDR1.89 million/year will be granted for each
household. PKH will be granted every February,
May, August, and November.
As of December 2017, PKH has been
distributed to 6.0 million households on non-
cash basis.
• In 2018, PKH has been distributed to 10
million households on non-cash basis.
• In 2019, PKH has been distributed to 9.84
million house hold on noncash basis
total realization of IDR32.75T.
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Non Cash Food Assistance
(Bantuan Pangan Non Tunai -
BPNT is a poverty alleviation and social
protection program that is managed by the
central government. It provides subsidized rice
and eggs to low-income households. IDR110
thousand month will be granted for each
household as BPNT that can be used in
certain stores which called e-warong.
As of December 2017, BPNT was distributed to
1.2 million households in 44 cities.
In 2018, BPNT has been distributed to 10.1
million households (65.1% of the target of 15.5
million households target).
In 2019, BPNT has been distributed
to 15 million household on non cash
basis with total realization of
Source: Bank Indonesia
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