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Investor Presentaiton

Timeline of SATREPS project (2012-2017) ST-JICA mid- term evaluation MoC signed-up: Beginning of ADB funding End of JICA contract(2017/Sep) End of JST contract EPC (18 month) FY2014 I well work-over FY2015 (SATREPS Year 3) (SATREPS Year 4) TDEM Gravity FY2016 (SATREPS Year 5) Seismic/Gravity FY2017 Start Injection FY201 Baseline surveys We are here now. EPC Engineering Period for Construction (of Surface facilities) BLS=Baseline Survey, MS=Monitoring Survey Note: Monitoring surveys SATREPS is JICA/JST funded program that are granted to ITB and Kyoto University to conduct feasibility study of Gundih CCS Project (Geology, Geophysics, Reservoir study and to conduct monitoring program during CO2 injection). This program is granted since Sep. 2012 and will end on Aug. 2017 (5 years program). ADB provided a grant to conduct feasibility study of surface facility, legal-regulatory framework and financial analysis. The study was conducted from Nov 2013 until March 2015. Now ADB will provide a grant for implementation of surface facility for Gundih CCS Pilot Project.
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