Investor Presentaiton
5. Lessons Learnt
From 1st phase of the project.
a. Governance:
arrangement s
Management capacity
Health care financing
Established institutional arrangements for PHC
services, but it is not enough to cope with the
growing needs and future challenges in urban health.
City corporation effectively managing project activities, but
some times partnership conflict slower the team speed.
Bureaucracy some times delayed fund release.
b. Access and delivery of services.
Pro-poor targeting
Performance based contracting
Health infrastructure
Community participation
Health promotion
Monitoring & evaluation.
সিডর-এ ক্ষতিগ্রস্থদের স্বাস্থ্য সেবা
ঘূর্ণি- ক্ষতিগ্রস্থদের সাস্থ্য সেবায়।
দ্বিতীয় আরবান প্রাইমারী লেন কেয়ার প্রকল্প, বরিশাল
মায়ান বরিশাল সিটি কর্পোরেশন
মেরী স্টোপস ক্লিনিক সোসাইটি
যোগী উপজেলা নওমা
Red card is a good tool for pro- poor identification
Satellite health camp
PBC has been shown effective in delivering PHC services to the urban poor.
Health care facilities need upgrading and strengthening
Community participation is good and encouraging
Project branding drawn the attention of population to their services.
Web-based data entry and reporting is successful for monitoring.