$1b Recovery Plan
Available Seat Kilometres (ASK) - Total number of seats available for passengers, multiplied by the number
of kilometres flown
Block Hours - The time between the aircraft leaving the departure gate and arriving at the destination gate
Capitalised aircraft lease liabilities - Capitalised aircraft lease liabilities are measured at fair value at the
lease commencement date and remeasured over lease term on a principal and interest basis. Residual value
of capitalised aircraft operating lease liability denominated in foreign currency is translated at the long-term
exchange rate
DANS Domestic Aviation Network Support
DASC Domestic Airport Security Cost Support
EBIT Earnings before interest and tax
EBITDA - Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortisation and impairments
EPS - Earnings per share. Statutory profit after tax divided by the weighted average number of issued shares
Fixed assets - Sum of the following items disclosed in the Group's Consolidated Balance Sheet: investments
accounted for under the equity method, property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and assets
classified as held for sale
FX - Foreign exchange
JBA Joint Business Agreement
IAS International Aviation Support
IFAM - International Freight Assistance Mechanism
Invested Capital - Net assets (excluding cash, debt, other financial assets and liabilities and tax balances)
including capitalised aircraft lease assets
Net Capital Expenditure (Capex) - Net investing cash flows included in the Consolidated Cash Flow
Statement and the impact to Invested Capital from acquiring or returning leased aircraft
Net Debt includes net on Balance Sheet debt and capitalised aircraft lease liabilities
Net free cash flow - Net cash from operating activities less net cash used in investing activities
Net on Balance Sheet debt - Interest-bearing liabilities reduced by cash and cash equivalents
Net working capital - Net total of the following items disclosed in the Group's Consolidated Balance Sheet:
receivables, inventories and other assets reduced by payables, provisions, revenue received in advance and
liabilities classified as held for sale
NPS - Net promoter score. Customer advocacy measure
Operating Margin - Underlying EBIT divided by Total Revenue
LBT Loss before tax
QBR Qantas Business Rewards
QFF Qantas Frequent Flyer
RANS Regional Airline Network Support
RASK - Ticketed passenger revenue divided by available seat kilometres
RDAC Retaining Domestic Airline Capability
Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) - ROIC EBIT for the 12 months ended for the reporting period, divided by
the 12 months average Invested Capital
Revenue Passenger Kilometres (RPK) - Total number of passengers carried, multiplied by the number of
kilometres flown
RRIA - Revenue received in advance
Seat Factor - Revenue passenger kilometres divided by available seat kilometres
SME Small to medium enterprise
TANS - Tourism Aviation Network Support
Ticketed passenger revenue - Uplifted passenger revenue included in Net Passenger Revenue
Total Unit Cost - Underlying (LBT)/PBT less ticketed passenger revenue per available seat kilometre (ASK)
Unit Revenue - Ticketed passenger revenue per available seat kilometre (ASK)
WACC - Weighted average cost of capital calculated on a pre-tax basis
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