Saskatchewan: A Global Critical Minerals Hub
Critical Minerals Drivers Climate Change
Status of net-zero carbon emissions targets
The inclusion criteria for net-zero commitments may vary from country to country. For example, the inclusion of
international aviation emissions; or the acceptance of carbon offsets.
To see the year for which countries have pledged to achieve net-zero, hover over the country in the interactive version
of this chart.
Our World
in Data
In law
In policy document
Pledge No data
Source: Net Zero Tracker. Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit, Data-Driven EnviroLab, NewClimate Institute, Oxford Net Zero. Last updated: 2nd
November 2021. + CC BY
Emerging markets for SMR -grid decarbonization and industrial heat
Growing global acknowledgement that no net-zero without nuclear - strong nuclear growth
Nuclear has lower life cycle emissions per gigawatt hour; smaller footprint, higher
energy density than renewables; better safety record
Mining AssociationView entire presentation