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Investor Presentaiton

EVgo Network Build-Out Defined by Customer Needs EVgo 1) 2) • Premium Site Locations Develop sites in geographies with high EV penetration . Co-locate with retail partners . OEMs • Collaborate to build in high priority markets and drive adoption Engage with OEMs to optimize site and station design . . Fleets Build to service rideshare, delivery, municipal, autonomous, and other fleet segments Support fleets with development expertise Provides access to existing public network MHD Depots • Build, own and operate dedicated charging for a wide range of applications Manage development, energy and O&M Utilities Partner on rate reform, interconnection, and program design Provide clean path to load and rate base growth • $2.6bn of available capex incentives and grants (2) Government EVgo Diverse market segments Work directly with regulatory agencies and government officials Engage at federal, state and local levels: $750mm of state funding initiatives available(1) • . Estimates $250mm of funding based on states electing to use the maximum 15% of their App D for EVSE; total App D funding of $2.7bn for 2.0 liter and $235mm for 3.0 liter. Estimated $500mm non-App D state funding. Approved as of August 2020. EVgo 16
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