BBVA Bancomer/2018 Annual Report slide image

BBVA Bancomer/2018 Annual Report

Investment in the community The Bank carries out financing projects with a high social impact, creating products that aid and promote social programs, improve financial inclusion and generate a positive impact on the communities in which it operates. The aim is also to aid in the development of the financial skills that will allow people to make informed decisions, thus improving their financial well-being and making them more aware of the risks and opportunities that exist. Financial Inclusion GRI FS13, FS14 The Bank is continuously improving its Financial Inclusion strategy to help Mexican society develop through financial literacy and other social education programs. They help users make informed decisions to improve their financial well-being and make them more aware of the risks and opportunities that exist, ultimately helping to achieve various SDGs: NO 1 POVERTY . End poverty in all its forms everywhere. 8 DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH Promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. The model, as applied in Mexico, is based on: Q € Reducing the cost of using financial solutions. > BBVA Bancomer bears the cellular data cost of using its apps. > Reducing transfer costs for cash transactions by providing the broadest network of banking correspondents, who are now present in 1,437 municipalities, 2.5 times the 557 covered by its branch network. These banking correspondents are involved in 14% of total transactions relating to credit card payments, debit card payments and payment of services. > Expanding the scope of mobile telephony operations to cater to needs in relation to payments of services. > Allowing customers to remotely open digital accounts that do not charge commissions, thus boosting digital use. Further exploring and meeting the needs of the financial inclusion segment, by: > Creating digital solutions that promote good savings and financial management habits among customers. > Using Big Data and alternative risk assessment methodologies. > Analyzing recurring payments as assessment parameters. Expanding the support network of banking correspondents. > Greater number of branches. > Broadening the range of payment options for services. INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE Building resilient infrastructure, promoting sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation. REDUCED 10 INEQUALITIES Reduce inequality within and among countries. BBVA Bancomer continues to strengthen its business model in order to promote financial inclusion, reaching out to over 5.9 million active low-income customers (Express segment), who account for roughly 30% of the Bank's active customer base. The financial inclusion model is based on alternative schemes and set-ups to the traditional bank branch, such as digital technologies and banking correspondents. The aim is to offer these customers solutions and products that will help them manage their finances and improve their quality of life. The financial inclusion model of BBVA Bancomer allows, among other benefits, the reduction of transfer costs in the case of cash transactions through the broadest network of banking correspondents with a presence in 1,437 municipalities, 2.5 times the 557 covered by its branch network. 71 BBVA Bancomer/2018 Annual Report
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