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Investor Presentaiton

Sri Lanka is also facing a very significant external financing gap over the next years To ensure that it can credibly rebuild its buffers, Sri Lanka will have to cover its external financing gap over the program period, through new external funding and an external debt service relief 1 Calibrating the external financing gap... 2023-2027, in USDbn 23.6 14.2 Sizing the efforts in the 2023-2027 external debt service PPG contractual external debt service incl. full arrears clearance (USD 2.8bn), 2023- 2027, in USDbn 2 1.9 15.1 3.1 Existing debt 27.6 Excluded from the Multilateral creditors I 5.7 debt treatment Bilateral creditors 7.1 perimeter (29.5) Paris Club ("PC") 2.4 USD 7.6bn End-2022 GIR Current Account¹ Financial Account¹ Debt service Financing gap End-2027 GIR² due China 3.0 India 1.6 3.75 treatment will have to provide the necessary relief ■ Other IFIs financing 3.0 ■IMF financing 16.8 ... to be bridged through (i) USD 16.8bn in external debt service reduction and (ii) USD 6.75bn in new multilateral funding 2023-2027, in USDbn The external debt Other Non-Paris Club 0.2 Included in the Private creditors 14.8 debt treatment ISBs 12.1 CDB commercial loans 2.7 perimeter USD 21.9bn Others New debt³ 0.0 1.9 c. 75% debt service reduction Total 29.5 ■External debt relief Source: IMF Notes: (1) Non-Interest Current Account and Financial Account Flows (incl. Project Loans disbursements), (2) As per its IMF program, Sri Lanka has to rebuild its gross international reserves to about 100 percent of the ARA metric by end-2027 (which corresponds to 6.0 months import cover) (3) New FX debt assumed to be disbursed from IFIs and for Project Loans during 2023- 2027, (4) Debt service on Emergency Assistance Credit Lines (included under bilateral creditors) will be excluded from the debt treatment 10
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