1H22 Financial Snapshot & Strategic Focus slide image

1H22 Financial Snapshot & Strategic Focus

LiDAR aerometrex Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is an advanced aerial surveying technique which utilizes active laser pulses (up to 2 million laser pulses per second) generated by the sensor to measure the distance of the aircraft to the ground. As the position of the aircraft is determined by GPS, the shape of the terrain including above ground features can be modelled. This survey technology and the information derived from it has become a critical asset for numerous planning & monitoring purposes, even more so when combined with imagery. Industries Serviced (including but not limited to): ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Architecture, Engineering & Construction Energy & Utilities Environment & Disaster Management Forestry & Agriculture Government Insurance & Financial Services Natural Resources, Mining & Exploration Property & Real Estate Telecommunications Transport, Logistics & Traffic Management Key Products: ☐ LiDAR 3D Point Clouds ☐ Elevation Surface Products Vegetation Surface Products Urban Vegetation Suite Bushfire Attack Level ◉ Vector Line Products ☐ Mine Windrow Analysis Examples of Major Use Cases: ☐ ☐ ■ Agricultural irrigation analysis Engineering design across projects spanning road, rail, oil & gas pipelines, renewable energy (wind & solar) Environmental mapping including flood modelling, catchment analysis, bushfire fuel load mapping Canopy growth and volume analysis across forestry and urban vegetation Stockpile analysis, windrow analysis across mining and exploration sites Vegetation encroachment mapping along powerlines For personal use only Addressable Market Size ~$50 million per annum in Australia AMX LIDAR Point Cloud Belair National Park South Australia Australia 18
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