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Investor Presentaiton

. SFY 2025 Clean Water Budget Layout Ongoing set of line items/ activities Organized by three budget Agency Activity Clean Water Budget Statutory Priority There of Exqual Priority 1.1 ANR-DEC (CWIP) 12 ANR-DEC (CMP) War Culty Formule to Clean Water P&&M Basin Planning Bin Water Quality Council Participation, Education, and Outwach 1.3 Winter Quilty Erhanowad ANS-DEC (CWIP) 1468EM Statewide Non-gulatory Clean Water Projects Land Conson and Water Quality Projes Water Quality Grants to Patres and F 12 ANR-DEC (CWIP) Program and Partner Tert SUBTOTAL Ther 1% of Total priority tiers based on statutory priorities (10 V.S.A. § 1389), plus "other" priorities Clean Water Budget Statutory Priority Tier 2 dars of Equal Priority 2.1 Outwach and impletion of formaty Accompliment Practicas for winning Water Quality 2.11 ANDER 25 AND-FPR Former Wer Quality Practices and Pole Skidder Bridges Implement BMP at State Formats, Parks, and Recreational Access Roads 2.2 Manicial Slomme wer implem 221 99 V 22 V 234 ANIDEC (CW 23 VHCB 24 ANR-DEC (CMP) Tier 2 SUBTOTAL Tier 2 % of Total LANR-DEC NP) The BUSTOTAL Ther3% of Total Clean Water Budot Other Priori tation Municipal Roads Gearts-in-A (MRGP) Municipal Better Ra Minquoi Baydalarak (Non-d'ederal Match Municipal Three-C Pt and M54 Water Quality Farm Improvement and Retirement Projects Innovative REYAS RAE FUNDA Clean Water Fund Capital FY.25 Capital Budget Target- Filing the Sim Ba Gap from SFY25 Capital Bit with Clean Water Fund Unallocat Unreserved 7210,000 850,000 SFY25 Compared to Subtotal Base Funds SFT24 Funds 7.210.000 880.000 Clean Water Fund Prior T Unalkcated Unreserved BUYER ONE TIME FUNDS 1,150,000 $1,000,000 2.000.000 5.150.500 2.000.000 1,200,000 8446387 426238 213113 Amadan Rescue Sub On-Time Plan Act (ARPAL Funds SPY25 Compared to SFY21 One-Time Funds TotalFY25 (Base One-Time 1,150,000 8,380,000 530,000 5,200,000 2,000,000 525 Tal Compared to SFY24 Total 200-0000 1,030,000 BRO ROX 1,000,000 76.20 00000 700,000 208,790 21,486,887 550,000 5,200,000 25.234.587 538.238 2063113 2061,113 (2458,137) BORKURICO 1.730.200 27,300,000 375,000 (1,381,289) 83% 715 545 54% 144,000 550 000 550,000 1.000.000 1.000.000 800,000 500.000 Alterative Technologies or Practices to improve Water Quality 850,000 800,000 5,454,000 20% 15% Dloped and implementation Cen 144,000 550,000 1.500.000 1.000.000 1.000.www 2.000.000 C ₤1,000,000 15000 DOTS 750,000 750,000 550 000 1,750,000 1,750,000 8,450,000 53,300 750,000 7.244,000 550,000 (7,440,613) • category Subtotals shown by tier and by agency/depart ment • Base and One- Time funding split between green and blue columns 41 ANR-DEC (L) 4.2 Ack 434000 Caplan Bull Print فة 45 O SUBTOTAL Other of Tok Lund my Payments ($25K ch Better Connection wind Downtown Timportation Fund ANK-DEG (WIFP) Sich to Can Winter State Ring Fund (W) Federal G ANR-DEG (WIP) Municipal Pollution Control Cant 120,000 25.000 Total Promoted for Acomodation 120.000 25,000 25,000 1,500 000 3300000 145.000 $1,000.000 1,600,000 1287.019 3,300,000 (000) 1.045.200 582019 14% &NOLOM 4.000.00 34 775 17 12844 Anticipated SPY25 ReSources 25,775,887 31,775,887 Extimated Unallocdd Clean Water unde Anticipated Tokalable" 25.775,887 000000 4,000,000 4000000 4,000,000 35,775,887 Baiano Total Abequested Pressed BY 2028 Clean Water Budget by Apancy Agency AAM ANR OF PR A=A Clean Water Fund 1506187 BEY2S BASE FUNDS Fing the im Capital B BY25 Capital Budget Target= 550,000 Gap from SFY25 Clean Water Fund Prior Year Unallocated! Unreserved 14010.000 4.000000 4701 4701 888,500 Clean Water Fund SFY:25 Base Compared to SFY Prior Year Unallocated Sub Base Funds Unreserved 1.200.000 1.548,887 213113 2800.000 20000 25,000 25.000 VHCH 200000 4,000,000 Total Proposed for Appropriation 25,775,857 000000 4,000,000 2.300,000 4,000,000 35,775,887 BEYZE ONE-TIME FUNDS 120,000 (10000) 25,000 1,500,000 1,387,019 1.300.000 11:20.0000 452012 0% 125 1038.1371 31.500000 4,701,680 4.701,68 1888558 31,775,867 40,477,556 31,558 American Res Plan Act (ARPA Bubal One-Time Funds SFY25 Compared to BFYZO-Time Total 5FY:25 (B Funds FY23 Total Compared to SFY24 Total 211,113 (2.754,887) 3,540,000 (2328) 2.500.000 123,2951 21.510209 25,000 2,000/200 5.000.000 1,000,000 1.000.000 313,113 3.813.113 18.038,137) 38,585,800 16.250.49
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