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Investor Presentaiton

GRI GUIDELINES 1. REPORT GUIDELINE The report has been structured in accordance with guidelines published by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and at Walmart de México y Centroamérica we seek to provide continuity with the clear and honest publication of our performance. In this edition we have published under Guide 3.1, with an A GRI Checked application level. 2. REPORT SCOPE The report presents the multi-format performance by Walmart de México y Centroamérica in the six countries where we operate. This includes the operation of our units, distributions centers and home offices. 3. REPORTING PERIOD The information included in this report covers the period from January 1st to December 31, 2013. 4. STAKEHOLDERS We recognize the relationship between activities, products and services with the different groups, and in this way we conducted the following classification: Level A: Customers, associates, shareholders, suppliers, community and environment Level B: Social organizations, businesses, competitors, etc. We pursue inclusion in our participation processes with different stakeholders. In this manner and with transparent information practices, two way communication channels, advisory boards, among others, we hope to better understand their interests and expectations. Social Responsibility Report
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