Investor Presentaiton
(G4-17, G4-18, G4-26, G4-28, G4-29 and G4-30)
Eldorado Brasil is publishing the
new edition of its Sustainability Re-
port presenting its main economic,
social, environmental, management
and governance results for 2016,
its fourth year in business. Once
again the company has adopted
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
G4 methodology, using the Core
option. The report comprises the
January 1 to December 31 in-
terval. Nevertheless, whenever
relevant, information from the first
months of 2017 has been included.
The definition of the report content
is based on the principles set forth
in Eldorado's Sustainability policy
and on the topics considered most
relevant in the company's current
materiality matrix. These priori-
ties were reevaluated in the first
half of 2017 (further information
The publication of the 2016 Sus-
tainability Report reaffirms the
company's commitment to the
transparency of its processes for
disclosing information, besides
constituting an important man-
agement tool which will enable
Eldorado to enhance processes
and evolve its business model in a
consistent manner.
Updating of the
materiality matrix
(G4-19, G4-24, G4-25, G4-26 and G4-27)
Eldorado reviewed in May and
June 2017 the most relevant top-
ics for the business and for stake-
holders in a process consisting of
document analysis, online consul-
tation and interviews with senior
The first stage entailed a review of
the company's previous sustain-
ability reports, the reports of other
players in the sector, Eldorado's
most recent social impact matrix
and other internal and external
Following this, on an online
platform, employees, customers,
suppliers, forestry partners, and
members of neighboring communi-
ties, settlements, representatives
of public authorities and non-gov-
ernmental institutions selected out
of twenty the five most relevant
topics for each stakeholder group's
relations with Eldorado. In total,
there were 96 participants, 74
from Brazil and 22 from overseas.
The CEO and the other five board
members were also interviewed.
Cross referencing data resulted in
a list with 10 priority topics for
Eldorado, which will remain as per-
manent and continuous corporation
focus. The topics are:
Developing human capital (in-
vestment in retaining and develop-
ing talent, employee benefits and
satisfaction, knowledge and talent
management and specialization of
Generating employment and
income (generating employment,
income and driving the local econ-
omy, social and economic impacts
and incentives for education and
culture in the locations in which
the company operates);
Social impact on the surrounding
communities (reducing impacts,
such as degradation of the local
road network, increased violence,
generation of dust and noise);
Efficiency in the use of resources
(responsible use and consumption
of water, energy and other resourc-
es, efficient waste and effluent
Preserving biodiversity (strate-
gies for combating the proliferation
of insects and pests in the planta-
tions and the preservation of local
fauna and flora);
Good forestry management prac-
tices (sustainable forestry steward-
ship, including the preservation
and correct use of the soil);
Corporate governance and trans-
parency (good corporate gover-
nance practices, ethics in business,
anti-corruption mechanisms, in-
cluding management of grievances
and complaints);
Climate strategy (impact of cli-
mate change on operations, includ-
ing the increase in average global
temperatures, changes in rainfall
patterns and the occurrence of
prolonged droughts impacting the
plantations and product transpor-
tation, as well as the monitoring of
greenhouse gas emissions, carbon
sequestration and emissions reduc-
tion measures);
_ Transparency and engagement
of stakeholder groups (projects to
engage main stakeholders, making
communication channels avail-
able and boosting the company's
response capacity);
Business growth strategies
(profitability, cost competitiveness,
return for shareholders, business
expansion and financial manage-
In the following table, Eldorado
presents the stakeholder groups
impacted by each topic, as well
as the associated GRI aspects and
impacts.View entire presentation