Cost Savings and Strategic Growth
Non-GAAP Measures
This presentation includes references to adjusted operating income, adjusted book value, and adjusted operating return on equity, which is based on adjusted operating income
and adjusted book value. Consolidated adjusted operating income, adjusted book value, and adjusted operating return on equity are not calculated based on accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States of America (GAAP). For additional information about adjusted operating income, adjusted book value, and adjusted operating
return on equity and the comparable GAAP measures, including reconciliations between the comparable measures, please refer to our quarterly results news releases, which are
available on our website at Reconciliations are also included as part of this presentation.
We believe that our use of these non-GAAP measures helps investors understand and evaluate the Company's performance and financial position. The presentation of adjusted
operating income as we measure it for management purposes enhances the understanding of the results of operations by highlighting the results from ongoing operations and the
underlying profitability of our businesses. Trends in the underlying profitability of our businesses can be more clearly identified without the fluctuating effects of the items
described below. Adjusted book value augments the understanding of our financial position by providing a measure of net worth that is primarily attributable to our business
operations separate from the portion that is affected by capital and currency market conditions, and by isolating the accounting impact associated with insurance liabilities that
are generally not marked to market and the supporting investments that are marked to market through accumulated other comprehensive income under GAAP. However, these
non-GAAP measures are not substitutes for income and equity determined in accordance with GAAP, and the adjustments made to derive these measures are important to an
understanding of our overall results of operations and financial position.
Adjusted operating income is a non-GAAP measure used by the Company to evaluate segment performance and to allocate resources. Adjusted operating income excludes
"Realized investment gains (losses), net," as adjusted, and related charges and adjustments. A significant element of realized investment gains and losses are impairments and
credit-related and interest rate-related gains and losses. Impairments and losses from sales of credit-impaired securities, the timing of which depends largely on market credit
cycles, can vary considerably across periods. The timing of other sales that would result in gains or losses, such as interest rate-related gains or losses, is largely subject to our
discretion and influenced by market opportunities as well as our tax and capital profile.
Expanding access to investing, insurance, and retirement security
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