FY22 Results - Investor Presentation slide image

FY22 Results - Investor Presentation

Financial Overview | FY22 Performance summary - balance sheet Balance Sheet (RM' bil) Q3FY22 Q4FY22 QoQ Change FY21 FY22 YTD Change Gross Loans¹ 117.1 120.0 2% 112.7 120.0 6% GIL¹ 1.37% 1.40% 1.57% 1.40% (0.2%) LLC 1,2 146.1% 139.2% (6.9%) 124.1% 139.2% 15.1% Customer Deposits 124.7 122.6 (2%) 120.5 122.6 2% CASA 37.4 43.1 15% 35.8 43.1 21% Capital Indicators Q3FY22 Q4FY223 QoQ Change FY21 FY223 YTD Change (without TA) FHC CET1 11.92% 11.65% (0.3%) 10.42% 11.65% 1.2% FHC Tier 1 11.92% 11.65% (0.3%) 10.42% 11.65% 1.2% FHC Total Capital 15.44% 15.18% (0.3%) 14.14% 15.18% 1.0% Liquidity Ratios Q3FY22 Q4FY22 QoQ Change FY21 FY22 YTD Change FHC LCR 164.0% 158.5% (5.5%) 157.5% 158.5% 1.0% LDR (Loan-to-Deposit)¹ 93.9% 97.9% 4.0% 93.5% 97.9% 4.4% LTAF 1,4 78.5% 82.6% 4.0% 79.7% 82.6% 2.9% 1. Reclassified unrated bonds/sukuk from loans to financial investments, with comparative figures restated accordingly 2. With regulatory reserves 3. After deducting proposed dividend 4. Loan-to-Available-Funds ratio (LTAF) refers to gross loans (excluding financing funded by Islamic Investment Accounts and loans sold to Cagamas) divided by deposits plus borrowings and sub debt AmBank Group FY22 Results - Investor Presentation 14
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