United Nations Strategic Framework for Afghanistan
Principles and Guidance and in line with UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/72/279 (2018).22 The
DSRSG/RC/HC will provide written confirmation to respective UN entities' Regional Directors or
equivalent that their draft country programming documents are derived from and aligned to the UN
Strategic Framework.
Joint Workplans
The UN Strategic Framework will be made operational through the development of joint workplans, 23
which describe the specific results to be achieved and will form an agreement between the UN system
agencies and each implementing partner as necessary on the use of resources. To the extent possible,
the UN system agencies and partners will use the minimum documents necessary, namely the UN
Strategic Framework and joint workplans, to implement programmatic initiatives. However, as
necessary and appropriate, project documents can be prepared using, inter alia, the relevant text from
the UN Strategic Framework and joint workplans.24
Developed by the respective Results Groups, the joint workplans will ensure transparency and
accountability in their implementation and help translate outcomes into concrete, measurable, and
time-bound outputs. All resident and non-resident UN entities implementing in support of UN
Strategic Framework outcomes will contribute to the joint workplans. Joint workplans will be updated
on a regular basis to reflect changes in programmatic responses based on the evolving context and
changing priorities and needs. The joint workplans will also represent the UN's consolidated
contribution to sectoral-level planning processes that may be undertaken through the STWGs.
Aligned to the priorities and outcomes of the UN Strategic Framework, joint workplans will be
reflected on the online UNINFO platform for increased transparency and accountability and to
facilitate streamlined annual reporting through UN Country Results Reports.
5.6 The Business Operations Strategy
Recognizing the importance of the harmonized approach, the UN in Afghanistan initiated the
formulation of a results-based Business Operations Strategy (BOS 2.0), which was finalized in
December 2020.
Underpinned by the principles of mutual recognition, client satisfaction, and cost effectiveness, the
BOS 2.0 aims to reduce duplication, leverage the common bargaining power of the UN, maximize
economies of scale, and reduce transaction costs across its common service lines. These include
administration, human resources, premises and facilities, finance services, information and
communication technology, logistics, and procurement.
22 United Nations General Assembly Resolution (2018). Repositioning of the United Nations development system in the context of the
quadrennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system.
23 As per the UNDG Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for countries adopting the "Delivering as One" approach.
24 In the case of UNDP, reference to "Implementing Partner(s)" shall mean "Executing Agency(s)" as used in the SBAA. Where there are
multiple implementing partners identified in a workplan, a Principal Implementing Partner will be identified who will have responsibility for
convening, coordinating and overall monitoring (programme and financial) of all the Implementing Partners identified in the workplan to
ensure that inputs are provided and activities undertaken in a coherent manner to produce the results of the workplan.View entire presentation