Investor Presentation Q3 2020 slide image

Investor Presentation Q3 2020

Deposit Growth by Business Line Canadian Banking1 +10% Y/Y International Banking 1,2,3 Global Banking and Markets +2% Y/Y4 267 250 116 113 111 243 86 79 77 19 +11% Y/Y +7% Y/Y5 75 74 77 182 166 171 +9% Y/Y 41 -7% Y/Y5 36 36 Q3/19 Q2/20 Q3/20 Q3/19 Personal Q2/20 Q3/20 Non-Personal +46% Y/Y 148 125 101 Q3/19 Q2/20 Q3/20 Continued growth driven by both Personal & Non-Personal deposits 1 May not add due to rounding 2 Y/Y growth rates are on a constant dollar basis 3 Includes deposits from banks Deposit growth driven by Non- Personal deposits. Total deposits ex. Divestitures up 11% Y/Y 4 Average deposits declined -3% Y/Y on a reported basis. International Banking constant currency deposits up 11% excluding divestitures 5 International Banking constant currency deposits non-personal deposits up 12% Y/Y and personal deposits up 9% Y/Y excluding divestitures Continued focus on deposit generation, accelerated by customer liquidity requirements 34
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