Nova Realidade Covid-19 após 1 ano
The resurgence of the Covid-19 pandemic has once again
lit the red light of the acute economic and social crisis
that has befallen the country since last year.
Thanks to measures approved by the National Congress
and implemented by the Federal Government - several of
them suggested by the CNI and other entities in the
sector at the end of 2020, Brazilian industrial production
had already surpassed the pre-pandemic level, while GDP
had returned to the same landing.
In early 2021, the economic recovery was underway and
there were still several obstacles to be overcome to
enable a sustainable resumption of economic growth. But
here, in the first quarter, unfortunately, came the second
wave of covid-19, which hit the whole of Brazil very hard.
The challenge, which was already great for 2021, has
become even greater. What would be a year of
implementation of structural policies to consolidate
recovery and lay the foundations for sustained growth
gave way to the pressing need for new emergency
measures to support citizens and businesses.
In addition to the extension of financial assistance to
families, which has already been provided by the
Government and Congress, it is essential that
measures are also reissued to help ensure the
survival of companies and the maintenance of jobs.
And it is necessary that these actions, which proved
to be efficient last year, are urgently redeployed,
since there was a sharp drop in economic activity in
March and, probably also in April.
Source: CNI
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