1Q 2021 Investor Presentation
MIS: Four Components to MIS Integration of ESG
New ESG scores will assist in transparently and systematically demonstrating the impact of
ESG on credit ratings
Credit Ratings & Research
How is ESG integrated into
credit ratings?
ESG factors taken into
consideration for all credit
ratings. Greater transparency
in press releases, as well as
credit opinions. Credit Impact
Score (CIS) is an output of the
rating process that indicates
the extent, if any, to which
ESG factors impact the rating
of an issuer or transaction.
ESG Credit Scores
How is a specific issuer
exposed to ESG risks /
Issuer Profile Scores (IPS)
are issuer-specific scores that
assess an entity's exposure to
the categories of risks in the
ESG classification from a
credit perspective. IPSS,
where available, are inputs to
credit ratings.
ESG Classification
What is ESG?
Our classification reports
describe how we define and
categorize E, S and G
considerations that are
material to credit quality. New
environmental classification
sharpens focus on physical
climate risks.
Heat Maps
Is ESG material to credit
Heat maps provide relative
ranking of various sectors
along the E and S
classification of risks.
Moody's | Better decisions
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