The Survey of TOU Rates in the United States slide image

The Survey of TOU Rates in the United States

Utilities Offering TOU Rates Share of Utilities Offering TOU (by Type of Utility) Offering TOU Rates Percent of Utilities 60% 45% 30% 15% 0% Cooperative Investor Owned Municipal Type of Ownership Retail Competition Yes INo Sources and notes: Brattle analysis of 2015 EIA-861 data. Political subdivisions, retail power marketers, and other utilities are excluded in the above chart due to sample sizes less than ten. Privileged and Confidential Prepared at the Request of Counsel Comments -14% of all utilities in the EIA- 861 database offer residential TOU rates -TOU rates are most commonly offered by IOUS; 48% of all IOUS offer a TOU rate -6% of all TOU rates include a demand charge (in addition to the time-varying volumetric charge) - Utilities in states with retail competition are less likely to offer TOU rates, though TOU rate offers are still fairly common among those utilities 4
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