Investor Presentaiton
The industrial biotechnology and bio-products industry
presents opportunities for Queensland to develop and
manufacture products from sustainable organic and waste
resources, rather than from fossil fuels.
Queensland is one of the very few developed economies
located in the tropics, providing unique and ideal conditions
to transform high-quality, high-yield feedstock into bio-
products. Backed by Queensland's emerging role as a
leader in renewable energy (see page 29) and commercial
aviation's aspiration for carbon-neutral growth by 2020,
Queensland's biofuels opportunities are vast.
It is projected that bio-products such as fuels, chemicals
and plastics from agricultural, forestry and green-waste
feedstocks could increase Queensland's gross product by
up to $1.8 billion annually by 2035, supporting more than
6,000 jobs.42
Case Study: Southern Oil Refining's Advanced Biofuels
Pilot Plant Gladstone
Queensland's first advanced biofuels production facility
will be built in Gladstone. If successful, the pilot plant will
be expanded into a commercial-scale advanced biofuels
production facility capable of producing 200 million litres
of advanced biofuel annually that is suitable for military,
marine and aviation use.
Current action: The Queensland Government is
implementing the Advance Queensland Biofutures
10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan which includes
a $19 million investment across four key areas to
boost Queensland's footprint in the sector.
Mossman, Queensland
Courtesy of Tourism and Events Queensland
The global bioplastics market is
expected to grow from
US$7.5 billion in 2013 to more than
US$43 billion in 202043
Biomedical and life sciences
Past investment by the Queensland Government has built
world-class research institutes and scientific capabilities
in areas including tropical and infectious disease, vaccine
development and delivery, and telemedicine. These institutes
have developed strong skills in advanced imaging, genetic
services, bio-fabrication, preclinical and early phase clinical
trials, pilot scale biopharmaceutical products, medical devices
and diagnostics.
With the demand for products and services in personalised
and preventative medicine growing globally - particularly in
Asia Queensland is well positioned to achieve accelerated
growth in this area (see global megatrends 2 and 7).
Case study: Ellume
The 2015 Johnson & Johnson Innovation Industry
Excellence Awards recognised Brisbane-based
healthcare company Ellume as the Emerging Company of
the Year for its development of simple, highly sensitive
and reliable diagnostics for infectious diseases and for
linking the results to optimal therapy.
Ellume's first product was the Respirio Flu Test, the
world's first at-home, non-invasive, ultra-sensitive test
for detecting and differentiating influenza A and B
(seasonal and pandemic). Ellume is also developing
products to diagnose other diseases such as Respiratory
Syncytial Virus (RSV), HIV, malaria and chlamydia.
In March 2016, Ellume received $50,000 under Advance
Queensland's Knowledge Transfer Partnerships program
to work, in partnership with the University of Queensland,
on the development of the product for diagnosing RSV.
Current action: The Queensland Government is
developing the Advance Queensland Biomedical and
Life Sciences 10-year Roadmap and Action Plan.
Queensland Trade and Investment Strategy 2017-2022 27View entire presentation