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Investor Presentaiton

Novo Nordisk Annual Report 2023 Introducing Novo Nordisk Strategic Aspirations Risks Management Consolidated statements Additional information Sensitivity of an immediate 5% decrease in currency rates on 31 December versus DKK² Credit exposure for cash at bank, marketable securities and derivative financial instruments (fair value) DKK million 2023 2022 Sensitivity of all currencies DKK million Cash at bank Derivative Marketable financial securities instruments Total Income statement (117) (37) 2023 Other comprehensive income 6,058 3,431 AAA range 15,838 Total 5,941 3,394 AA range 6,451 Hereof sensitivity of USD A range 7,292 912 1,432 15,838 7,363 8,724 Income statement 70 150 BBB range 17 17 Credit risk exposure to non-financial counterparties Outside the US, Novo Nordisk has no significant concentration of credit risk related to trade receivables or other receivables and prepayments, because the exposure in general is spread over a large number of counterparties and customers. In the US, the three major wholesalers account for a large proportion of total net sales, see note 2.1. However, US wholesaler credit ratings are monitored, and part of the trade receivables are sold on full non-recourse terms; see below for details. Novo Nordisk closely monitors the current economic conditions of countries impacted by currency fluctuations, high inflation and an unstable political climate. These indicators, as well as payment history are taken into account in the valuation of trade receivables. The country risk ratings in 2023 have overall remained unchanged from 2022 to 2023. Other comprehensive income 5,082 2,923 Total 5,152 3,073 Not rated or below BBB range 632 632 Trade receivable programmes 2. An immediate 5% increase would have the opposite impact of the above.. The foreign exchange sensitivity analysis comprises effects from the Group's cash, trade receivables and trade payables, current loans, current and non-current financial investments, lease liabilities and foreign exchange forwards. Anticipated currency transactions, investments in foreign subsidiaries and non-current assets are not included. AA range Total 14,392 15,838 2,344 32,574 At year-end, the Group had derecognised receivables without recourse having due dates after 31 December 2023 amounting to: 2022 AAA range 6 10,797 DKK million 10,803 US 5,507 963 A range 6,550 124 1,764 6,470 8,438 Japan Financial contracts coverage at year end BBB range 124 124 Months USD CNY³ CAD JPY GBP Not rated or below BBB 2023 12 12 9 12 0 range 466 2022 12 0 9 12 11 Total 12,653 10,921 2,727 466 26,301 3. Chinese yuan traded offshore (CNH) is used to hedge Novo Nordisk's CNY currency exposure. 2023 2022 2021 5,059 1,394 1,313 2,050 2,273 2,453 The table above shows financial contracts existing at year-end to cover the expected future cash flow for the disclosed number of months. During 2023, the hedging horizon varied between 9 and 12 months for USD, CAD and JPY. The hedge horizon for CNY has been increased from 0 to 12 months, while GBP has been phased out. Average hedge rate for USD cash flow hedges is 676 at the end of 2023 (696 at the end of 2022). Credit risk Credit risk arises from the possibility that transactional counterparties may default on their obligations, causing financial losses for the Group. Credit risk exposure to financial counterparties Novo Nordisk considers its maximum credit exposure to financial counterparties to be DKK 32,574 million (DKK 26,301 million in 2022). In addition, Novo Nordisk considers its maximum credit exposure to trade receivables, other receivables (less prepayments and VAT receivables) and other financial assets to be DKK 67,209 million (DKK 52,714 million in 2022). Refer to note 4.9 for details of the Group's total financial assets. To manage credit risk regarding financial counterparties, Novo Nordisk only enters into derivative financial contracts and money market deposits with financial counterparties possessing a satisfactory long-term credit rating from at least two of the three selected rating agencies: Standard and Poor's, Moody's and Fitch. Furthermore, maximum credit lines defined for each counterparty diversify the overall counterparty risk. The credit risk on marketable securities is low, as investments are made in highly liquid bonds with predominantly AAA credit ratings. Novo Nordisk's subsidiaries in the US and Japan employ trade receivable programmes in which trade receivables are sold on full non-recourse terms to optimise working capital. Refer to note 3.4 for the split of allowance for trade receivables by geographical segment. Interest rate risk Novo Nordisk's exposure to interest rate risk is considered to be low due to the capital structure. Non-current debt consists of fixed rate instruments. Interest rate risk on marketable securities of DKK 15,838 million is considered low due to a low portfolio duration. Liquidity risk The liquidity risk is considered to be low. Novo Nordisk ensures the availability of the required liquidity through a combination of cash management, highly liquid investment portfolios and both uncommitted and committed credit facilities. Novo Nordisk uses cash pools for optimisation and centralisation of cash management. 70
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