Investor Presentaiton
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
Related parties
This section outlines the Group's transactions with its related parties, such as its
subsidiaries, Key Management Personnel, and material associates.
6 Other
Contingent liabilities
Annual Report 2023
Woolworths Group
Transactions within the Group
During the period, Woolworths Group Limited advanced loans to, received and repaid loans from, and provided treasury,
accounting, legal, taxation, and administrative services to other entities within the Group. Entities within the Group also
exchanged goods and services in sale and purchase transactions. All transactions occurred on the basis of normal
commercial terms and conditions. Balances and transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries, which are related
parties of the Company, have been eliminated on consolidation and are not disclosed in this note.
Directors and Key Management Personnel
All transactions with directors and Key Management Personnel (including their related parties) were conducted atan arm's
length basis in the ordinary course of business and under usual terms and conditions for customers and employees.
Related parties of Key Management Personnel who are employees received employee benefits on standard terms
and conditions. The total remuneration for Key Management Personnel of the Group is as follows:
Short-term employee benefits
Post employment benefits
Other long-term benefits
Share-based payments
Contingent liabilities are potential future cash payments where the likelihood
of payment is not considered probable or cannot be measured reliably.
The Group has entered the following guarantees however the probability of having to make a payment under these
guarantees is considered remote:
Guarantees in the normal course of business relating to conditions set out in development applications and for the
sale of properties; and
Guarantees against workers' compensation self-insurance liabilities as required by State WorkCover authorities.
The guarantees are based on independent actuarial advice of the outstanding liability.
No provision has been made in the Consolidated Financial Statements in respect of these contingencies however there
is a provision of $663 million for self-insured risks (2022: $628 million), which includes liabilities relating to workers'
compensation claims, that have been recognised in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position at the reporting date.
From time to time, entities within the Group are party to various legal actions as well as inquiries from regulators and
government bodies that have arisen in the ordinary course of business. Consideration has been given to such matters
and it has been determined that these matters are not at a stage to support a reasonable evaluation of the likely outcome.
287,833 291,505
8,135,664 7,952,883
19,630,291 18,637,951
Share-based payments and share schemes
Transactions with the Group's material associate, Endeavour Group Limited
Effective from the separation date of 28 June 2021, long-term strategic Partnership Agreements were established which
document the close and mutually beneficial relationship between both parties and reflects the way in which Endeavour
Group Limited had historically operated as part of the Group. These agreements cover key business areas, including the
provision of goods and services related to supply chain and stores, IT, loyalty and FinTech, digital, media and business
support, and occur on the basis of normal commercial terms and conditions. In addition to the Partnership Agreements,
the Group supplies various goods and services to Endeavour Group Limited, which includes wholesale liquor in Tasmania,
food service products, and advanced analytical services.
In certain circumstances, the Group settles liabilities with third parties on behalf of Endeavour Group Limited and
subsequently recovers these costs directly from Endeavour Group Limited. As a result, these transactions have not been
disclosed as related party transactions. However, balances that remain unsettled with Endeavour Group Limited at the
reporting date, including amounts relating to third-party cost recoveries, are disclosed as related party receivables.
During the period, transactions with the Group's material associate, Endeavour Group Limited, and the amounts outstanding
as at the reporting date are as follows:
This section presents the Group's benefits provided to its employees through
share schemes.
Share-based payments
Equity settled share-based payments form part of the remuneration of eligible employees of the Group. The Group continues
to operate the Woolworths Incentive Share Plan (WISP).
All sub-plans within the LTI plan are subject to performance hurdles being met. The Group's sub-plans are as follows:
Performance rights sub-plan - delivers a right to acquire a share at a future date;
Performance shares sub-plan - delivers a right to acquire a share immediately; and
Cash award sub-plan - delivers a right to acquire cash at a future date.
No grants have been made under the performance shares or cash award sub-plans.
Revenue 1
Other income
Purchase of goods and services
Amounts receivable from Endeavour Group²
Amounts payable to Endeavour Group³
1 Primarily includes revenue from the provision of supply chain services, loyalty and FinTech. Revenue excludes amounts relating to capital assets
that are purchased from third parties on behalf of Endeavour Group Limited as the costs are subsequently recovered without a margin.
2 Includes $284 million (2022: $310 million) of lease receivables relating to leases for BWS stores attached to Woolworths stores.
3 Includes $92 million (2022: $90 million) relating to payables for unsettled electronic funds transfers, credit card and debit card point
of sale transactions.
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