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International Presence and Activities

HOUSEHOLD DEBT IS RISING, YET DEBT SERVICE REMAINS MANAGEABLE Slovak household debt has been for years increasing at the fastest clip in the EU, debt relative. to income and GDP is above CEE countries, but remains below Western EU countries (except Italy) Thanks to rising income and low interest rates, debt service nevertheless remains at a manageable levels and NPLs were historic low in early 2020 and seen contained also post the pandemic and end of loan moratoria prevailing till March 2021 Debt service to income Household debt to income (%, change 2019/2009, stock as of 2019) 33.0%Slovakia 21.3% Belgium 19.3% Sweden Romania 24.0% Latvia 32.2% Hungary 33.3% 18.2% France Lithuania 36.4% 16.8% Finland Slovenia 44.4% 9.1% Poland Croatia 53.8% Poland 8.4% Czechia 57.7% Czechia 58.9% 0.9% Italy Italy 61.6% -0.3% Slovenia Estonia 66.3% -0.9% Austria Slovakia 69.6% -4.0% Euro area Austria 82.7% (%, HFCS survey 2017, households with debt payments) -6.2% Germany Greece 82.9% -7.0% Croatia Germany 84.7% -9.1% Romania Portugal 92.6% 25% -9.1% Lithuania Spain 93.0% -9.9% UK Euro area 93.8% 20% -25.1% Cyprus France 98.1% -27.8% Estonia 15% 13.0% 11.4% 10% Belgium 104.3% -29.2% Hungary Ireland 111.6% -33.4% Portugal Finland 115.3% -38.6% Latvia UK 122.6% 5% -39.4% Spain Cyprus 134.2% -55.6% Denmark Sweden 159.6% 0% Ireland Denmark 214.2% 58322X -80% -40% 0% 40% 0% 75% 150% 225% Source: ECB, Eurostat 11
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