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Investor Presentaiton

-3.0% 2.0% Jan'19 Feb'19 Mar'19 apno ka bank | RBL Bank Source: TransUnion / CIBIL Jan'19 Feb'19 Mar'19 Apr'19 May'19 Jun'19 Jul'19 Aug'19 Sep'19 Oct 19 Note: In the bureau, higher uptick seen in industry delinquency rates on account of a likely data submission issue by a large card issuer. If we remove that, the industry and RBL numbers are in line with each other. Nov'19 Dec'19 Jan'20 Feb'20 Mar'20 12.0% 7.0% INDUSTRY - RBL 3MOB$30+ Comparison with Industry Apr'19 May'19 Jun'19 Jul'19 Aug'19 Sep'19 18.0% 16.0% 14.0% 12.0% INDUSTRY - RBL 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% Oct 19 Nov'19 Dec'19 Apr'20 May'20 Jun'20 Jul'20 Aug'20 Sep'20 Oct'20 Nov'20 Dec'20 Jan'21 Jan'20 Feb'20 Mar'20 Apr 20 May'20 Jun'20 Jul'20 Aug'20 Sep'20 Oct'20 Nov'20 Dec'20 Jan'21 Feb'21 6MOB$30+ Comparison with Industry Credit Cards - tighter control on new bookings resulting in Refer-note-below Feb'21 Mar'21 Refer note below Apr'21 May'21 46 46
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