RTAC Route Prioritization
MTI Budget 2023
Budget 2023 demonstrates a commitment to
enhancing provincial long-term capital planning by
introducing, for the first time in Manitoba's history,
a five-year capital plan with key priorities to
strengthen, invest and build on the province's
Grading & Culvert Replacement PTH 6 at Grahamdale
Planned strategic investment in roads, highways, bridges and flood protection over the
next five years totals over $4.1 billion and represents our Government's commitment to
building our economy and investing in Manitoba's future.
This includes a minimum investment of $2.5 billion over five years, or $500 million per
year, in Manitoba's highway network to support key initiatives such as the One Million
Perimeter Freeway Initiative and the Trade and Commerce Grid Initiative that will ensure
Manitoba products can reach provincial, national and international markets.
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