Brazil Energy Opportunities & Sustainability Commitments slide image

Brazil Energy Opportunities & Sustainability Commitments

Ongoing measures to attract investments $ anp KEEP OFFERING AREAS 2nd TOR Surplus Open Acreage + Ongoing Petrobras Divestment Plan ONSHORE DATA AVAILABLE FOR FREE Download: Studies in progress to also public offshore data MARGINAL FIELD DEFINITION Draft under public consultation. Specific incentives should be discussed afterwards ROYALTIES REDUCTION FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM COMPANIES New ANP Resolution approved by ANP Already implemented: royalties reduction for incremental production OTHER REGULATORY MEASURES TO REDUCE ABOVE GROUND RISKS AND IMPROVE FISCAL TERMS Measures under REATE, PROMAR and BIDSIM programs, including studies to improve environmental licensing process and competitiveness of marginal discoveries Also, the new gas law was a decisive step towards a competitive gas market, with great opportunities
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