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Investor Presentaiton

Performance of wholly-owned subsidiary¹ companies 21 11.6 HDFC Pension AUM, Rs Bn. 51.6 82.7 113.2 Mar'17 Mar'19 Mar'20 Sep'20 HDFC International Life and Re Fastest growing PFM (Pension Fund Manager) under the NPS architecture (YoY growth of 70% in AUM) Market share grew from 29% in Sep'19 to 33% in Sep/20 amongst all PFMS Company has over 6 lakh customers - ~3.95 lakh in retail segment and ~ 2.19 lakh in corporate segment POP operations commenced in FY20 with enrolling of both retail and corporate subscribers; #2 POP in Corporate NPS business 1. Investment in subsidiaries not considered in Solvency Margin Registered growth of 63% in gross reinsurance premium in H1 FY21 Forayed into Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and Qatar, both being strategically important (re)insurance markets Despite challenging external environment, momentum of growth trends and new opportunities remains positive S&P Global Ratings continues to reaffirm its long-term public insurer financial strength rating of "BBB" with "Stable" outlook HDFC Life
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